

My technical short notes

Automate Your Kubernetes Workloads with CronJobs

In Kubernetes, managing repetitive tasks and batch jobs efficiently is essential for maintaining system health and optimizing resource utilization. CronJobs offer a powerful solution for automating these tasks within your Kubernetes clusters.

What is a CronJob?

A CronJob in Kubernetes is a resource that allows you to schedule and run jobs or tasks at specified intervals, similar to the cron utility in Unix-like operating systems. With CronJobs, you can automate tasks such as database backups, log rotation, data processing, and batch job execution within your Kubernetes environment.

Key Features of CronJobs:

  1. Scheduling: CronJobs use a cron-like syntax to define the schedule for executing tasks. You can specify precise timings for running jobs, such as hourly, daily, weekly, or custom intervals.
  2. Job Execution: CronJobs create Job resources in Kubernetes, which represent the execution of a task at a specific time. Jobs can run to completion or be configured for parallelism and retries.
  3. Concurrency Control: CronJobs support concurrency control options, allowing you to limit the number of concurrent job executions and prevent resource contention.

Benefits of Using CronJobs:

  1. Automation: CronJobs automate repetitive tasks and batch job execution, reducing manual intervention and freeing up resources for other tasks.
  2. Reliability: By scheduling tasks with CronJobs, you ensure that critical operations like backups and maintenance tasks are performed regularly and reliably.
  3. Scalability: CronJobs seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes’ scaling capabilities, allowing you to scale your workload automation horizontally by running multiple concurrent instances of the job across your cluster.

Best Practices for Using CronJobs:

  1. Define Clear Schedules: Ensure that CronJob schedules are well-defined and aligned with the requirements of your tasks. Test schedules in staging environments before deploying them in production.
  2. Monitor Execution: Monitor the execution of CronJobs using Kubernetes’ built-in monitoring and logging capabilities. Set up alerts to notify you of any issues or failures.
  3. Handle Errors Gracefully: Implement error handling and retries within your job logic to handle failures gracefully and ensure that failed jobs are retried or reported appropriately.


CronJobs are a powerful feature of Kubernetes for automating repetitive tasks and batch job execution within your clusters. By leveraging CronJobs effectively, you can streamline your workload automation, improve operational efficiency, and ensure reliable execution of scheduled tasks in your Kubernetes environment.

Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Management with Requests and Limits

In Kubernetes, efficient resource management is essential for maximizing cluster utilization and ensuring the stability and performance of your applications. Resource requests and limits are key parameters that allow you to allocate and control the amount of CPU and memory resources that your containers consume. In this blog post, we’ll explore what resource requests and limits are, their significance, and best practices for optimizing resource utilization in Kubernetes deployments.

Understanding Resource Requests and Limits

Resource requests and limits are specified at the container level in Kubernetes pod definitions. They define the amount of CPU and memory resources that a container requests and is allowed to consume, respectively.

  • Resource Requests: Represents the minimum amount of CPU and memory resources that a container requires to run efficiently. Kubernetes ensures that the requested resources are available to the container before scheduling it onto a node.
  • Resource Limits: Defines the maximum amount of CPU and memory resources that a container is allowed to consume. Kubernetes enforces these limits and prevents containers from exceeding them, thereby preventing resource contention and ensuring fair resource allocation across the cluster.

Significance of Resource Requests and Limits

  • Resource Guarantees: Resource requests ensure that containers have the necessary resources available to them, preventing performance degradation or out-of-memory errors due to resource starvation.
  • Resource Isolation: Resource limits provide isolation between containers, preventing a single container from monopolizing cluster resources and impacting the performance of other containers running on the same node.
  • Effective Scheduling: Kubernetes uses resource requests to make scheduling decisions, ensuring that containers are placed on nodes with sufficient resources to meet their requirements.

Best Practices for Setting Resource Requests and Limits

  1. Right-Sizing: Base resource requests and limits on the actual resource requirements of your application. Start with conservative estimates and adjust them based on performance monitoring and analysis.
  2. Consider Application Characteristics: Understand the resource consumption patterns of your application and adjust resource requests and limits accordingly. For example, memory-intensive applications may require higher memory limits, while CPU-bound applications may require higher CPU requests.
  3. Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA): Combine resource requests and limits with HPA to dynamically adjust the number of replicas based on resource utilization, ensuring that your application can scale to meet varying demand while maintaining resource efficiency.
  4. Monitor Resource Utilization: Continuously monitor resource utilization across your Kubernetes cluster using tools like Prometheus and Grafana. Use this data to fine-tune resource requests and limits and identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies.


Resource requests and limits are critical parameters in Kubernetes that allow you to allocate and control the amount of CPU and memory resources that your containers consume. By setting appropriate resource requests and limits and monitoring resource utilization effectively, you can optimize resource allocation, improve cluster stability, and ensure the performance and reliability of your applications in Kubernetes deployments.

Understanding Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) in Kubernetes

Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) is a powerful feature of Kubernetes that allows your applications to automatically scale based on resource utilization. In this blog post, we’ll explore what HPA is, how it works, and how you can leverage it to optimize the performance and efficiency of your Kubernetes deployments.

What is HPA?

HPA enables Kubernetes to automatically adjust the number of pod replicas in a deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization or custom metrics. By dynamically scaling the number of pods up or down in response to changes in demand, HPA ensures that your applications have the right amount of resources to handle varying workloads efficiently.

How Does HPA Work?

HPA continuously monitors the CPU utilization or custom metrics of your pods using the Kubernetes metrics server. When the observed metrics exceed or fall below a specified target threshold, HPA triggers a scaling event. If the observed metrics exceed the target, HPA increases the number of pod replicas, and if the metrics fall below the target, HPA decreases the number of replicas.

Setting Up HPA

To enable HPA for your deployments, you need to define an HPA resource and specify the target CPU utilization or custom metrics threshold. Additionally, you need to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster is configured with the metrics server and that your application exposes the required metrics for autoscaling.

Benefits of HPA

  • Improved Performance: HPA ensures that your applications always have enough resources to handle incoming requests, minimizing response times and improving overall performance.
  • Cost Optimization: By automatically scaling the number of pod replicas based on demand, HPA helps optimize resource utilization and reduces unnecessary costs associated with overprovisioning.
  • High Availability: HPA enhances the reliability and availability of your applications by dynamically adjusting resources to meet changing demands, ensuring consistent performance under varying workloads.

Best Practices

  • Set Meaningful Metrics: Define target CPU utilization or custom metrics thresholds that accurately reflect the performance requirements of your applications.
  • Monitor and Tune: Continuously monitor HPA behavior and adjust configuration parameters as needed to optimize autoscaling performance and efficiency.
  • Test in Staging Environment: Before enabling HPA in production, thoroughly test its behavior and performance in a staging environment to ensure reliability and stability.

In conclusion, Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) is a valuable feature of Kubernetes that enables automatic scaling of your applications based on resource utilization. By leveraging HPA, you can improve performance, optimize costs, and enhance the reliability of your Kubernetes deployments, ensuring that your applications can seamlessly adapt to changing workloads.

Demystifying Kubernetes Service Types: NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, and More

Kubernetes offers various service types to expose applications running within the cluster to external clients or other services. Each service type serves different use cases and provides different levels of access and functionality. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common Kubernetes service types, including NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, and ExternalName, and discuss their characteristics, advantages, and best use cases.

1. ClusterIP


ClusterIP is the default service type in Kubernetes. It exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP address, allowing other services within the cluster to access it.

Use Cases:

  • Internal communication between microservices within the cluster.
  • Database services, caching layers, or other internal components that should not be exposed to external traffic.

2. NodePort


NodePort exposes the service on a static port on each node’s IP address. Traffic sent to the node’s IP address on the specified port is forwarded to the service.

Use Cases:

  • Accessing applications from outside the cluster, typically during development or testing phases.
  • Load balancing traffic across multiple nodes using an external load balancer.

3. LoadBalancer


LoadBalancer provisions an external load balancer (e.g., cloud provider’s load balancer) to distribute traffic to the service across multiple nodes in the cluster.

Use Cases:

  • Exposing applications to external clients or users over the internet.
  • Handling high availability and scalability requirements by distributing traffic across multiple nodes.

4. ExternalName


ExternalName maps the service to a DNS name, allowing services within the cluster to access resources located outside the cluster by resolving the DNS name.

Use Cases:

  • Integrating with external services, databases, or APIs that reside outside the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Providing a consistent DNS name for accessing external resources from within the cluster.

5. Headless Service


Headless service does not allocate a cluster-internal IP address or perform load balancing. Instead, it returns DNS records with IP addresses of individual pods backing the service.

Use Cases:

  • Directly accessing individual pods for specialized use cases such as stateful applications or database clusters.
  • Implementing custom load balancing or routing logic within the application.


Understanding Kubernetes service types is crucial for designing scalable, resilient, and secure applications in Kubernetes environments. By selecting the appropriate service type based on your application’s requirements and use cases, you can effectively expose and manage access to your services while ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether you need internal communication between microservices, external access from clients over the internet, or integration with external resources, Kubernetes offers a variety of service types to meet your needs.

Exploring Storage Options in Kubernetes

In the ever-evolving landscape of Kubernetes, understanding the intricacies of storage options is crucial for deploying resilient and scalable applications. Kubernetes offers a variety of storage solutions, each with its own strengths and ideal use cases. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the storage options available in Kubernetes and discuss their features and considerations.

Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs)

Persistent Volumes (PVs) provide an abstraction layer for storage in Kubernetes, allowing storage resources to be provisioned dynamically or statically and then consumed by pods via Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). PVs and PVCs decouple storage configuration from pod specification, enabling portability and flexibility.

Dynamic Provisioning

Dynamic provisioning simplifies storage management in Kubernetes by automatically provisioning storage resources when a PVC is created. This eliminates the need for manual intervention and enables on-demand scaling of storage capacity.

Storage Classes

Storage Classes define different types of storage available in a Kubernetes cluster, including properties such as volume type, performance characteristics, and access modes. By using Storage Classes, administrators can tailor storage configurations to meet specific application requirements.

Volume Plugins

Kubernetes supports a variety of volume plugins for integrating with different storage backends, including local disks, cloud storage providers, and network-attached storage (NAS) systems. Each volume plugin offers unique capabilities and trade-offs, allowing developers to choose the most suitable option for their applications.


StatefulSets enable the deployment of stateful applications in Kubernetes by providing stable, unique network identities and persistent storage for each pod. StatefulSets leverage PVCs to manage storage resources, ensuring data persistence and consistency across pod replicas.

Considerations and Best Practices

When selecting storage options for Kubernetes applications, it’s essential to consider factors such as performance requirements, data durability, scalability, and cost. Additionally, understanding the implications of storage configuration on application reliability and availability is critical for designing robust architectures.

In conclusion, Kubernetes offers a rich ecosystem of storage options to meet the diverse needs of modern applications. By leveraging persistent volumes, dynamic provisioning, storage classes, and volume plugins, developers can build resilient and scalable applications that seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes infrastructure. However, careful consideration of storage requirements and best practices is essential to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Kafka consumer – get details

To get offset, lag of a given kafka consumer:

bin/ --bootstrap-server --describe --group MyKafkaConsumer


Kafka topic – get all messages from beginning

To get a dump of all messages in a given topic in kafka:

bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic MyTopicName --from-beginning > ~/data-export.txt


Getting a host path persistent volume to work in minikube (kubernetes run locally)


I have had a hard time figuring out how to make a persistent volume work in minikube running on Mac OS.


I could get this to work only if I used the xhyve driver when you create minikube. How do you do that?

Step 1: Install xhyve driver

$ brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve

# docker-machine-driver-xhyve need root owner and uid
$ sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
$ sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve

Step 2: Create and start minikube using xhyve driver

minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve

Step 3: Verify that your /Users folder from Mac is auto-mounted in the minikube vm

minikube runs a VM. The /Users folder from your Mac gets mounted on this VM at the same location /Users by default. You can verify this by going into the minikube vm.

$ minikube ssh
$ cd /Users
$ ls

Step 4: Create a Persistent Volume in kubernetes using hostPath

When you create a persistent volume in kubernetes using a hostPath, the hostPath can use any location under /Users. Here is a sample YAML file for creating a persistent volume in kubernetes:

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: microxs-commerce-jenkins-volume-1
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 5Gi
    path: /Users/lijojacob/bitbucket/microxs-commerce/jenkins-data

Step 5: Use the persistent volume in a persistent volume claim

Pods can use persistent volume claims. The persistent volume claim can in-turn use the persistent volume we created above. Here is the YAML file for a persistent volume claim:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: microxs-commerce-jenkins-volume-1-claim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi
  volumeName: microxs-commerce-jenkins-volume-1

Step 6: Go ahead and use your persistent volume claim in your pod/deployment

Here is a YAML snippet of using the persistent volume claim in your pod

  - name: microxs-commerce-jenkins-volume-1
      claimName: microxs-commerce-jenkins-volume-1-claim

Step 5: Externalized configuration in a distributed system using spring-cloud-config


A lot of our microservice configuration now resides in the yaml configuration files within the application. In this episode, we will make this configuration environment-specific (12-factor-app), and externalize this configuration by serving it from a configuration service. We use spring-cloud-config server and client to achieve this.

At the end of this episode, based on the environment in which you run your application (eg: local, QA, cloud), the application will pull its configuration (eg: database connection properties) from a configuration service, which in turn gets all the configuration from a git repository.

Technologies introduced

  1. Spring Cloud Config

Create a repository to hold your configuration

  • Here I have gone for a single repository to hold the configuration of all my services. We could have gone for “one repo per application” policy also.
  • Here is my repository:
  • In this repository, I have configuration yaml files for each of my spring applications.
  • The different environments (eg: development, QA, Prod) are represented as spring profiles in each of these yaml files.

Create a configuration service

  • Next, we create a configuration service that serves the configuration from the above git repository
  • It is a spring boot application with its main class annotated with
  • Note that the config-service application depends on
  • Specify the git repository from which the config-service should serve configuration
  • Run your config-service

Verify the configurations served by config-service

  • In your browser, go to:
  • The configuration for catalog-service for the profile – “development” will be served in JSON format

Update your services to use configuration from config-service

We will now update our catalog-service to use configuration from the externalized configuration server – config-service.

  • Add dependency to
  • Set the config-service URI for the application to fetch its configuration from. Update the configuration file catalog-service.yml
  profiles: development

Run your service choosing the profile (or environment) you want

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=development gradle bootRun

Your logs should indicate the profile you are running, show where it is pulling configuration from:

Fetching config from server at: http://localhost:8888

Located environment: name=catalog-service, profiles=[development], label=master, version=d7ca69a6470a4e72826e5bd59619ca1c667eb503, state=null

Located property source: CompositePropertySource [name='configService', propertySources=[MapPropertySource [name='configClient'], MapPropertySource [name=''], MapPropertySource [name='']]]

The following profiles are active: development

You will also notice that your mongodb connection properties are coming from whatever you defined for that profile in the configuration repository.

Source Code

Tag “step5” in repository: application-configuration

git clone 
cd application-configuration 
git checkout tags/step5

Tag “step5” in repository config-service

git clone 
cd config-service 
git checkout tags/step5

Tag “step5” in repository catalog-service

git clone 
cd catalog-service 
git checkout tags/step5


Detailed explanation in video

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